Shadows of Justice Book 6
Urban Fantasy
Getaway Reads, LLC
October 11, 2013

Review by Penelope Adams
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Just in time for Christmas Regan Black has decided to give fans of her 2096 series a little nibble to help keep the hunger at bay. In this short novelette we once more go into the inner workings of the notorious smuggler Slick Micky’s operations.
Mickey’s security officer Jim Corvin, who was once one of Dr. Leo Kristoff’s “enhanced” soldiers, gets feelings when something is going to go wrong. He is getting these ‘feelings’ on the night Micky comes to him and tells him one of the mules who run his product has decided to leave the organization. While employees come and go this particular one is special, Lorine Sheraton is Dr. Kristoff’s niece and happens to be the person who blew the whistle on him, bringing down his whole operation. Micky has intel that a hit has been issued and wants Jim to act as protection for Lorine and her young son, Zach, as they move. Jim isn’t too thrilled about the prospect until he learns the hit just might be on Zach and not Lorine. Now the games begin.
This short novelette is actually an entry in the bigger Mammoth Book of Futuristic Romance and at just about 27 pages is a quick read. Don’t be fooled by the length though, Ms. Black has managed to pack a lot of content into this little package. While not as action packed as her full length books, there is a great restaurant scene that shows us Lorine is no shrinking lady in distress and that she is more than capable of taking care of herself. We’ve met Jim in other books in this series but now we get a better look at who he is and how his enhancements work. Little Zach is one great little guy, smart as a whip and cute as a button how can Jim resist wanting to help protect him?
As an avid fan of this series, I would like to thank Ms. Black for giving us this little gift for the holidays. Short and sweet, this little package has everything needed to keep one satisfied – a little action, a little humor, a little romance and even a mystery. I couldn’t ask for more, well that’s not true, I could ask for a full length book but I’m guessing one is coming and that we are going to see more of Jim, Lorine and Zach. I have only one thing more to add, Ms. Black may I have another please?
Winner: Best Novella – PRG 2012 Reviewer’s Choice Awards