Angel Calling, Book 1
Paranormal, Suspense, Contemporary, Romance
Georgeous Publishing
March 1, 2018

Independence Day, 4th July, 1976 - Thirteen-year-old Christine Conroy mysteriously vanishes from her back yard in a small country town in North Western USA. Folks think Christine has run away to Hollywood as she threatened, but people who know what really happened are determined to hide the truth.
Forty years later, Justice Smith is commissioned to find her body and her murderer - not an easy task after so much time has elapsed. Luckily for him, he has a secret weapon - Justice Smith is a Warrior Angel!
Sent down to Earth to seek justice for those that can't, he uncovers a deadly secret - the bodies of several young girls. A serial killer has gone undetected, living among a small community for four decades.
To complicate matters further, Justice has a mortal connection to the prime suspect's daughter Andi. He finds himself teaming up with an unlikely ally and while working together to uncover the truth, he crosses the boundary to break the heavenly rules for a forbidden love. Will the price he has to pay be too high?
Available at Amazon.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Justice Smith is a warrior angel sent on a mission to bring justice to those who can’t. His present mission is to get justice for the death of a thirteen year old girl named Christine Conroy who disappeared on July 4, 1976. The Angelic Counsel knows who the killer is but it is up to Justice to get evidence to prove his guilt and give the family the long awaited justice they deserve. First and foremost he needs to find her body since the belief is that she ran away.
Justice was chosen for this mission personally by Archangel Samael but there were some details that Samael left out, details that would leave Justice in a situation where he would have to go against the rules of the Counsel. Bobby Cutler is the killer but when Justice meets his daughter Andrea (Andi) there is a connection he has never felt before as an angel, a connection that goes back hundreds of years.
Posing as a Private Investigator doing research on missing children he hopes to get information that was previously overlooked. What he finds is a very dysfunctional family Bobby and his wife now divorced and neither of them in any way fit the bill of parents. Andi was raised by her grandparents and never knew the love a child should expect from a mother and father. Justice is about to learn just how dysfunctional Andi’s family is and what I discovered took me by total surprise which I am sure will surprise you as well.
The investigation into Christine’s disappearance leads to more than Bobby, Bobby’s ex-wife Melanie who was Christine’s best friend at the time is more than anyone could have imagined. Melanie and Bobby have hidden Christine’s disappearance for forty years and Justice is sure that Melanie gave Bobby the alibi that kept him from being arrested or investigated further.
The step by step investigation into Christine’s disappearance was amazing since Justice is unable to use his abilities as an angel to get answers. His relationship with Andi is both happy and sad but filled with hope. There is never any doubt that Colter’s crime will be revealed but what is revealed is more than could ever be expected. Whether this is a paranormal book or not evil exists and this book held my attention in every way possible. Georgia Tingley is a new author to me but one that I will add to my favorite author list.