Shadows of Justice Book 1
Paranormal, Mystery, Thriller
Getaway Reads, LLC
August 28, 2013

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Senior Reviewer Paranormal Romance Guild
Our Guild was approached for a Submission for Review for Veil of Justice Book #3 of the Shadows of Justice Series by Regan Black. Since I must suffer from ADD or OCD or whatever they call it, the need to have things orderly, I e- mailed Ms Black and asked “where Book 1 and 2 were.?” Even though books are sometimes stand alone, it is good to have a feel for the author and her story and read them in order. All I can say is I am so glad I asked. Instead of one review for Ms Black, you now will be forced to hear me probably rave about all three, if Book One is any indication.
The idea is so unique, and yet we have all voiced this thought at one time or another in our lives…“I wish I could do that over”…Well what would happen if you were re-incarnated for over thousands of years , through hundreds of lifetimes, and not gotten IT right. The year 2096, in Chicago, Jaden Michaels finds herself in that spot again, searching for the evil that permeates her life. Jaden is working hard teaching women to protect themselves, she holds classes in these martial arts. She works with the local police at times.
Thousands of years ago she was abused, raped and marked by a serial rapist. With this occurrence, she lost her family, a sister in one of her lives and her one true love Bryon.These three souls have been in a macabre dance, over and over .Her need is to destroy the man who soullessly has been torturing all women, especially young women for thousands of years. Their names and lives change over these years as they are reborn . The reason for the re-birth is her failure, for someone to see the Demon as the monster he is and just believe in her.
We are reading with frustration from the past, the writings of Gabriella Stamford’s Diary.. Gabriella is now Jaden. We follow this demon through every name he has been, as he himself is reborn, changing, growing stronger, getting more and more arrogant. In 2096, the Demon is The Honorable Judge Stewart Anderson.
Ms Black tantalizes us with gadgets of the future, cell cards, monitoring devices, all fun to think about how incredible our electronics might be in another 75 years. We meet Police Chief Brian Thomas, who is the third element in our story. The Judge and Jaden remember all of their past. lives, while Brian has no idea of the part he will play. He just knows, Jaden is someone he wants to first watch, and then love. The story is intriguing, fast paced, well written. Your palms sweat at the twists and turns. You want Jaden to prevail. You want the Judge to be vanquished. Does this happen?????Aww you are going to have to read the book….NO SPOILERS HERE…Only this review and soon to come a review of Book 2