REVIEW: Mission: Treachery – Bear’s Brigade Book #1- Emily Mims

Mission: Treachery Book Cover Mission: Treachery
Bear's Brigade Book #1
Emily Mims
Military Romance, Contemporary Romance
Boroughs Publishing Group
Jan 17, 2023


Colonel Angus "Bear" Bustamante lives in the danger zone, never knowing which mission may be his last. Being the leader of an elite task force is his passion, and his son owns his heart.

Until Wildcat, a former one-night-stand, arrives at Fort Sam. Bear's heart inflates, and he finds he wants more than a roll in the sheets with the sultry, sexy Dr. Felicia Castillo.

Felicia loves her work and is dedicated to doing her best all the time. With a sworn determination to stay away from complicated men, she finds herself paired up with a rugged, tough-spoken, hard-assed soldier on a sensitive operation that could make or break her career.

No, she hasn't forgotten their night together. She doesn't think she'd forget that night even after she's dead.

But Bear is determined, and more than sex is on the table.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

When Colonel Angus “Bear” Bustamante is called to a meeting he is shocked to see a woman he had a one-night stand with sitting at the table. Divorced with a son in college his life has consisted of one-night stands being part of black-ops his time is not his own, but this one-night stand has been on his mind ever since they were together.

Now he knows her name, Dr. Felicia Castillo, an aerospace engineer who his team will be testing her latest design. Since her ex-boyfriend’s son stole her last prototype and sold it to a rival company the army will be involved. Although Felicia is not happy about the army’s involvement since the theft of her last prototype, she has no choice but to agree.

Like Bear she has not forgotten the night they spent together and now she will be working alongside him testing her design. Bear wants them to spend more time together, but she is afraid that their personal involvement would cause her to lose her job. When her desire overrides her fear, she welcomes Bear back into her bed.

Working together testing her new prototype brings Bear and Felicia closer and their sex life is off the charts. Everything is going great, and her new prototype is working better than anyone could have imagined until once again it is stolen. Felicia was at Bear’s home with her computer and the only ones in the house were her, Bear and his son Clay who unexpectedly came home for the weekend.

There were only three people who were around Felicia’s computer, and she knew it wasn’t her. Blame falls on Bear and Clay and after being betrayed once before by an ex-boyfriend and his son she has no doubt who to blame. The army and her company are working on how to find the real thief since the army is not willing to blame Bear without hard evidence.

The idea that Felicia would point a finger at him, and Clay left Bear angry and questioning how she could so easily distrust him and his son. Her ex-boyfriend’s son was photographed in drag and although he was not gay it was enough to blackmail him and since Clay is also gay Felicia feels he is also an easy target for blackmail. The problem is that everyone knows Clay is gay it is not a secret and money is not an issue since his stepfather has set up a trust for him worth millions. After the army finishes digging into the theft the truth comes to light as to how it was done but not who did it.

This story is about two people who are married to their jobs making a relationship impossible, yet that would be the very reason they would understand what is necessary to make one work.

There are surprises, sex, betrayal and amazing characters that make this book wonderful.

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