Part of The :Bay Area Queer Writers Association Presents: Two
Anthology, Short Stories, LBGTQ Fiction
Sept 1, 2022
Sit down and kick your feet up with your favorite warm beverage for fall. It's time for you to enjoy stories and poetry that reflect the number two.
The Bay Area Queer Writers Association is proud to present this year's collection of short stories and poetry featuring authors: M.D. Neu, R.L. Merrill, Liz Faraim, K.S. Trenten, Wayne Goodman, Richard May, Gar McVey-Russell, Vincent Traughber Meis, Michael Alenyikov, and Kelliane Parker. Sometimes you need to be able to sit back and let the words from the pages wash over you. See how these amazing authors spotlight the number 'two' in each of their works.
All proceeds from this limited-time anthology will be donated to the Lavender Library and Archives in Sacramento, California.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
This short story first appeared in the anthology BAQWA Presents: Two. Two men a bodyguard and the man he is guarding have had the hots for each other for two years and both afraid to risk revealing their feelings for fear of rejection. Rejection is always a possibility but living with those feelings for two years must be just as hard.
Rahim owns his own security firm and chooses to always be up front protecting Aza, a popular singer, not relinquishing control to any of his other security personnel. He keeps imaging what it would be like if Aza noticed him, and Aza finally revealed he not only noticed him he wanted him. It was a threat by some of his personnel threatening to go to Rahim themselves if Aza doesn’t speak up about his feelings that finally pushed him.
When both men finally open up, they realize that they wasted two years out of fear letting their thoughts of rejection overcome their real feelings.