REVIEW: Sugar, Spice, and Spellcraft- D.E. Paulson

Sugar, Spice, and Spellcraft Book Cover Sugar, Spice, and Spellcraft
D.E. Paulson
Gay Romance, Witches and Wizards, Shifters Werewolves
Dreamspinner Press
Jan 31, 2023

akob Kuratowski is a lot of things—a witch, a baker… and a lightweight. Which is how, after a rare night of drinking and dancing, he becomes the mate of an alpha werewolf.

Jakob doesn’t trust his new mate, Erik Lindstrom, any farther than he can throw him, and he’s not about to give up the life he’s built and the job he loves and go live with a bunch of werewolves just because his accidental husband wants him to. Werewolves might have a mystical instinct about their mates, but Jakob needs time.

That doesn’t stop him from helping *their pack*, as Erik insists on calling it, when they have magic trouble. He even lets Erik woo him a little. But when the deadly threat of the unlife—ravenous abominations who dwell in the dark place between the living and the dead—set their sights on Erik, Jakob has to step up and into his role in the pack to save the man he’s coming to love.

Review By Gloria Lakritz

Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild

We meet Jakob Kuratowski who is described as many things….a witch, a baker, and a light weight. But tonight he is drinking and dancing letting off steam……and then steps in Erik.

This story begins on what we know, but quickly becomes unchartered. A Paranormal story that this author simply had A PLAN and I truly did get caught up in it although my angry self said Jakob was too drunk to make any decision let alone the one he was asked. A frustrated Erik tricked him and was on my sh*t list. So since it was the first chapter, I wanted to read a bit further…

D.E. Paulson you did have a plan and perfected it with Magic, Humor, Jewishness ( that some might not understand) but I’m Jewish, and your clever Yiddish kept me , Gut en himmel ,there till the end!

While not a standard Paranormal Romance, from the beginning we were always in Jakob’s POV hearing who he was, shy, frightened, a good grandson, who was given the witches Grimore from his Babcia (Grandma)

He was a cautious and simple young man. A baker, buying into a business. He was a witch and had the power of fire, and did not feel good being tricked by Erik to be his mate.

Erik was persistent, but Jakob took it slow not wanting to get shaded again. It started with a rape but ended with a slow build of trust……

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