Prequel to The Heirs to Camelot
Arthurian Historical Fantasy M/F and F/F
September 28, 2018

A Nordic pagan priestess falls in love with both Merlin and King Arthur and bears their sons. Along with her daughter, she constructs a plan that will endure 1,500 years.
Anya, a pagan priestess of the Nordic Rus tribes, leaves her home country and arrives in Britain. There, she joins the sisterhood of Avalon, headed by the scheming Morgaine.
When Anya runs afoul of the Avalonian high priestess she is sent to Camelot to spy on the court while acting as healer. But there, she falls in love with the High Druid, Merlin, and King Arthur, bearing sons to both of the great men of her time.
After losing both of the men she loves to Morgaine’s treachery, she embarks on a plan that unfolds over the next 1,500 years to return Goddess worship to the island nation and save it from a danger Anya can see but cannot understand.
The Priestess of Camelot is the prelude to the Heirs to Camelot series, and sure to thrill fans of Arthurian lore.
Reviewed by Melissa Brus
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Wow. Ok. I read the first book in this series, and it was good. But this prequel is outstanding. I wish I had read this first to be honest. From the first sentence Simonds pulls you into a fantastic narrative. The characters are well rounded and the adventures that ensue are intriguing and fun to follow. This book follows the life of Anya, a young girl who is chosen by the Goddess. Her life intertwines with Arthur and Merlin and all the stories surrounding Avalon and Camelot. Seeing the story of their lives in this new way is both new and sentimental for fans of Arthurian legends. Simonds so cleverly shows the humanity of these legendary people as they make choices that will forever change the world. Simonds touches on everything, from the sword in the stone legend to the quest for the chalice. I definitely recommend reading this prequel before reading Midsummer Wife. The generational responsibilities that are so pivotal in the first book are explained and rooted in much of what happens in the prequel. As such, I am now going to re-read that book. I think I will enjoy it more now that I have all the fascinating detail of this one.
Melissa, you made my day! What an astonishing review! I’m so very glad you enjoyed PRIESTESS!