REVIEW: The Rapper’s Groupie -The Blood Coven World Book 4- T.M. Smith

The Rapper's Groupie Book Cover The Rapper's Groupie
The Blood Coven World Book 4
T.M. Smith
Paranormal Erotica, LGBTQ Short Read
Evernight Publishing
May 3, 2024


The Rapper
D Monz is a rap icon on two realms—Earth and Scath. When threatening hate mail pours in, the Firebrands send aid.

The Groupie
Celie isn’t really a groupie. She’s a witch warrior who gets off on the wrong foot with the rapper when she’s sent to protect him.

The Romance
Because of D’s family genetics, he requires more sex than most of his demon breed. The problem is simple. With the threats, outside help for his situation could be dangerous. So, if Celie wants to protect the rapper, she has a decision to make.


Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

D Monz is a popular rapper in both Scath and Earth and considered an asset so when the Firebrands get a tip that someone is threatening to kill him, they send Celie Myers a Firebrand to guard him.

Celie’s first meeting with D left her less than thrilled, his reaction to her was totally sexual and not mutual. She introduced herself as a reporter and then it was discovered she is a witch. Her job is to protect him only as a demon he feeds on orgasm’s and allowing unknown groupies in to service him would put him in danger, so she has a serious decision to make.

While protecting D Celie begins to have feelings for him and he for her but there is no time for anything but finding the person threatening D’s life and keeping him alive until that person is found and stopped.

A short story filled with danger, two main characters that are wonderful, surprises and sex.

This is an amazing series that I can’t recommend highly enough.

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