Teen, Young Adult, Occult Fiction
Independently Published
October 7, 2017

Once again, Gorman chooses not to name the city that serves as the backdrop for his chilling tale of bullying and hatred. The Goths are at war with the jocks in a local high school. A few Goth kids try an alternative method of communicating with the dead. At first, they are not sure if they were entirely successful. Tension slowly builds as eerie events make it harder to ignore a newfound paranormal presence around them. When things turn deadly, the teens must face the fact that they have conjured up some sinister shadow spirits that feed off their anger. A couple of the Goth teens initially enjoy the seductive power afforded them by the shadow demons. However, the ghouls' blood lust quickly becomes more difficult to control...and the teens are forced to realize they must somehow find a way to destroy the evil they created!
Available at Amazon.
Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Chairman of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Yes, this is YA…. Yes, it has all the makings of High School! Whether you were a jock or a dweeb in high schooL, this is about The Goth Crowd. But one of my friends had a Ouija Board…. Didn’t one of yours? Remember the sleepovers and pulling a board out? With a candle or flashlight in the dark?
Mr. Gorman takes this story one step further to ‘WHAT IF.” What if we really summoned something dark? This is just that book.
Don Gorman is a good story teller, Bringing this story alive slowly as he lets us get to know the characters first so we are invested in this quirky group.
It’s a fun adult read, and takes you back to the angst of High School. It’s also is a good holiday present to your teen. Both adults and teens will enjoy this book!