Otherworld Trilogy Book #3-2
Dark Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Young Adult
World Castle Publishing LLc
July 11, 2022
War of the Chaotic World continues to book three’s epic conclusion…
As the bond between Alexandria and her friends unravels and deteriorates, doubts begin to surface.
Nevertheless, the adventure must go on. Only by developing mutual trust and support can Alexandria and her companions conquer the challenges that pave the path to their ultimate goal. Yet, at the same time, they cannot deny the fact a spy remains among them, uncaught and unpunished….
In this epic conclusion, the bittersweet journey of love and loss, of trust and betrayal, of light and darkness, Alexandria grasps and learns to appreciate the defects and imperfections of life.
Review By Aethena Drake
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
The second part of the War of the Chaotic Worlds begins with the chaos it was so aptly named for. The fight brewing between the Underworld and the Otherworld has culminated in a battle that will leave casualties on both sides. A traitor is still hiding in the Otherworld, and the revelation of the traitor isn’t the only shocking element in the final entry of this series. Queen Marianne shares her darkest secrets, and Alexandria makes some important decisions about her future in the Otherworld.
Just like in every other volume of the Otherworld series, the descriptions of etiquette, formal dress, and palace grounds leave a clear picture of what is expected of the Elders by their rulers, King Patrick and Queen Marianne, and by the other members of the Elders community. I felt sympathy for the newer members of the Elders as they adapt to the sometimes seemingly pointless nature of the formality. Even Alexandria’s mentor, Helen, is compelled to follow the established protocol of the Elders. Helen’s stoicism in early volumes of the story seemed to be a result of her place in the Elders, but in this book the reader gains insight into the reasons for some of her behavior. One of the more insightful aspects of this series was how it explores the comfort and grandeur of rituals but also questions how those rituals impact the participants. The story also explores the harsh realities of conflict and betrayal. The results of the conflict and betrayal can feel a bit overwhelming at times, but Alexandria’s hopeful insights and the endearing kittenpillar, Ella, add a bit of comfort to soothe the pain of loss and tragedy.
The resolution to this story offers some enlightening perspectives on dealing with self-doubt, the function of tradition, and the importance of loyal friends. I liked the messages this story offered, and I enjoyed all the adventures I shared with Alexandria and her companions. This is a wonderful series to delve into if you are looking for a fantastical adventure with a few insightful moral messages.