Foothills Pride Book One
MM Romance
July 15, 2020

On his thirtieth birthday, barista Jimmy Patterson decides to get rip-roaring drunk after his roommate-boyfriend abandons him at a bar in the tiny California foothills town of Stone Acres where they have relocated from San Francisco. Jimmy is immediately rescued by the burly owner of Stonewall Saloon, who has had his eye on Jimmy since the first time he came in months before.
Jimmy's fine with being saved but wants to know the bartender's real name since the guy has worn name tags with an assortment of names every time Jimmy has spoken to him. After Jimmy nicknames him Guy, the bartender decides to turn guessing his first name into a game, giving Jimmy a guess a day for a week and promising to wine and dine him during that time. If Jimmy's guess is wrong, he owes Guy a zing-zow, knock-your-socks-off kiss. Jimmy agrees since this sounds like a slam-dunk, win-win deal.
While he searches for cringe-worthy given names, Jimmy is distracted by the destruction of his shopping mall coffee shop. He is also beset by the town council that doesn't want him to buy an historic bank building in Old Town Stone Acres to set up another coffee shop. The celestial high of being romanced by Guy and the abyss of business worries don't seem like the road to happily ever after. However, Jimmy and Guy might be in for a big surprise.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Jimmy Patterson finds himself on his thirtieth birthday at a bar while his boyfriend is playing up to any man he sees and has just about told Jimmy they are done. His best friend and partner in a coffee shop called Penny’s was also missing and so he decided to have a pity party and got himself so drunk he couldn’t even sit on a stool. The bartender who tonight was wearing a name tag that said Alex was the only one he could talk to, but with so much alcohol in his system talking was nothing more than gibberish and after a visit to the toilet he was gone.
In the morning he woke up in a bed naked and sleeping with a stranger who he recognized as the bartender without a real name. Now he calls him Guy and still wants to know what his real name is.Guy makes guessing his real name a challenge, seven days to guess his name a wrong guess a kiss the right guess a gourmet meal. Jimmy jumps at the challenge after all he is more than happy to have seven kisses with a man that every other man wants.
Jimmy and Guy spend time together and each day Jimmy gets a guess and each day Guy gets a kiss. It was wonderful watching as Jimmy began to realize that Guy was the man he had always wanted something that Guy knew right away. Of course romance is not the only thing this book has, it also has its share of prejudice in the form of gay bashing but they are shocked to discover how many people were on their side.
Jimmy finally, accidentally, calls out Guy’s real name and what a name it is, his mother should be shot (kidding) but it was the most perfect name possible.