Author Interview with T.M. Smith

The Demon's Fire Book Cover The Demon's Fire
The Blood Coven Series, Book 2
T.M. Smith
Demons & Devils, Fantasy Romance
Evernight Publishing
May 26, 2023
437 pages

He’s not her type at all…

He’s a barbarian. Despite his sexy smile and hot body, nothing can smooth the brutish man’s ragged edges. Besides, demons need a daily dose of sex to live. Skyler Maxwell has no intention of becoming his food source.

She’s not his type at all…

She’s a buttoned-up, prissy human with frost in her veins. But Kole is stuck playing tour guide for the chief legal officer while she’s on Scath as a representative of the Alliance. He was told to “play nice.”

They are fire and ice…

With a bullseye on Skyler’s back, Kole is her best chance to stay alive. Trapped in a hostile environment, they survive mystical monsters and treacherous attacks. Despite the perils and their differences, their romance ignites, proving fire and ice are perfect together.

Author Interview with T.M. Smith

Interview by Sherry Perkins

TM Smith

Author Interview with T.M. Smith
T.M. Smith has led a studied life, no pun intended. She was a teacher first, then a principal and next an author of paranormal and fantasy romance books. While her story inspirations don’t seem to have been lesson plan induced, it’s obvious years of curiosity, leadership, problem-solving, and discipline did (and perhaps a little snarkiness). Catch her successful books, and her Blood Coven series on your favorite platform and, hey, remember to take notes because they might come in handy if you need to deal with recalcitrant demons, mages, vampires,and their like!


After retiring from my career as a teacher and principal, I settled in to write something more creative than lesson plans on split infinitives and inner-school memos on noise in the hallway.

My first novel was the romantic mystery comedy romp AFFECTION FOR CRIME. I am now living with vampires, demons, ylves, mages, and other magical beings who keep me awake at night with their tales of love and adventure. Taking great interest in their lives, I began a paranormal romance series with alpha males who aren’t always nice and females who have no problem keeping them in line. THE FIREBRAND is the first book in the Blood Coven Series. Get on my mailing list to find dates and times for upcoming books in the series at

Here are more orts, scraps, and fragments from my life. (Thank you, Virginia Wolf and Shakespeare.) I moved from sunny Las Vegas to the less-than-sunny Pacific Northwest. Here I have adventures with my daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters who also moved to the area. I also enjoy my membership at Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN), a local organization that supports the arts and offers classes and events in eleven different studios. It was at BARN where my critique group began. With equal time given to in-depth comments on each other’s works, snarky remarks, and laughter, we have now been together over five years.


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