Author Interview – Tena Stetler

Interview with Tena Stetler by LaShawn Williams   1. What literary pilgrimages have you gone on? A trip to The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. It’s rumored to have connections to Stephen Kings, The Shining. Just standing in front of the series of buildings that make up the hotel makes the hair on the … Read more

Author Interview – Mary Morgan

Interview with Mary Morgan by LaShawn Williams   1. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing? I recall how excited I was right before my first book, Dragon Knight’s Sword, Order of the Dragon Knights released into the world. I relished the challenge of promoting, even though I had heard other … Read more

Author Interview – Kerry Blaisdell

Interview with Kerry Blaisdell by Kel Johnson   1. How did publishing your first book change your process of writing? Wow, that’s a harder question than at first it seems. 🙂 At first, it didn’t really change much. My first publishing contract was for the first book in my Dead Series (DEBRIEFING THE DEAD), and … Read more

Author Interview – KC Freeman

Interview with KC Freeman by Kel Johnson Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? I am definitely an original. During the revision process I sometimes try to conform or take suggestions from other authors to follow the tried and true story patterns, etc. but I found I … Read more

Author Interview – J. Scott Coatsworth

J Scott Coatsworth

Interview with J. Scott Coatsworth by LaShawn Williams   If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Not to give up so easily. I started writing in my teens, and by my mid-twenties had my first book ready to go out – a fantast/sci fi tale called On a Shoreless … Read more

Author Interview – Liddie Cain

Interview with Liddie Cain by Kel Johnson 1. What is your writing Kryptonite?   My three year old makes it her mission in life to make writing a book take as long as possible. There are times when she is actually hanging onto my back or sitting on my shoulders as I’m trying to get … Read more

Author Interview – Jennifer Wilck

Interview with Jennifer Wilck by LaShawn Williams 1. Can you explain what is the most difficult part of your artistic process when preparing a novel?   I think the most difficult part is keeping the conflict going. I’m a non-confrontational person and I like everyone to be happy, including my characters. So my first instinct … Read more

Author Interview – Kate MacInnis

  Interview with Kate MacInnis by Aurora Jean Alexander 1. What made you decide to write the genre you are writing now; did you ever write in another genre before you decided on this one? I have loved ghost stories since I was little kid. My family is Scottish and my dad loved to tell … Read more

Author Interview – Melissa Sercia

Interview with Melissa Sercia by Sharon Buchbinder When did you realize or decide you wanted to be a writer? Thank you for having me! I realized I wanted to be a writer when I was a teenager. I started out writing poetry, songs, and short stories. I was, and still am, an avid reader. I read … Read more

Author Interview – Don Massenzio

Interview with Don Massenzio by AC Mink Don Massenzio, Amazon bestselling author, was born in Syracuse, New York to first-generation Italian American parents. An avid reader, he began writing as a way to fight homesickness and “combat the long hours of travel and numerous hotel stays” of corporate life. From mystery and intrigue to nonfiction and … Read more