Title: By The Waterfall Author: Freddy MacKay Genre: LGBT, Paranormal, Gay Romance, Short Story Publisher: Mischief Corner Books, LLC Release Date: October 10, 2020 An innocent hiker crosses paths with a creature long forgotten in human memory, except in folklore. Humans, so brave and reckless. All ego with short-term memories. Sten has not seen one … Read more

Review: Trysts and Burning Embers – Angel Martinez & Freddy MacKay

Title: Trysts and Burning Embers Series: Lijun Book 2 Author: Angel Martinez & Freddy MacKay Genre: M/M Paranormal/Shifter Mystery Publisher: Pride Publishing Release Date: November 20, 2018 Pages: 444 Fire. Water. Burn. In the two months since the All Hallows’ Eve party, Tally has courted Haru, buying expensive gifts, taking the two of them to … Read more

Review: Fireworks and Stolen Kisses – Angel Martinez and Freddy MacKay

Title: Fireworks and Stolen Kisses Series: Lijun Book 1 Author: Angel Martinez and Freddy MacKay Genre: M/M Paranormal/Shifter Mystery Publisher: Pride Publishing Release Date: June 26, 2018 Pages: 243 No. Eating. Pixies. At the annual Global Lijun Alliance conference in Tokyo, Tally Bastille makes the first impulsive decision of his life. Others perceive his uktena—the … Read more