Review: Darkness Rising – Dirk Greyson

Title: Darkness Rising Series: Yellowstone Wolves #3 Author: Dirk Greyson Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Release Date: February 6, 2017 Pages: 189 Reviewed by: Linda Tonis Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team   Pete was talked into a trip to Yellowstone by his friend Roger who was supposed to join him but … Read more

Review: Like a Rock – Olivette Devaux & Mason Winters

Title: Like a Rock Series: Disorderly Elements #1 Author: Olivette Devaux & Mason Winters Genre: Gay Paranormal Romance/Adventure Publisher: Mugen Press Release Date: January 14, 2017 Pages: 123 Reviewed by: Linda Tonis Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team   Cooper Anneveinen has just received his diploma and is now a licensed architect. Unfortunately having … Read more

Review: Reawakened – Carrie Pulkinen

Title: Reawakened Author: Carrie Pulkinen Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: The Wild Rose Press Release Date: November 18, 2016 Pages: 247 Reviewed by: Linda Tonis Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team   Juliann (Jules) Hume found herself pregnant at sixteen and rejected by the father and his family. She raised her child, Beth, by herself. … Read more

Review: Blood Harvest Moon – Kelly Abell

Title: Blood Harvest moon Author: Kelly Abell Genre: Paranormal Romance Reviewed by Krisi Keley Taking a shortcut home from a frat party, Derek Panthera swerves to avoid hitting a figure who suddenly appears in the middle of the dark road on which he’s traveling. This abrupt change of direction not only results in a car … Read more

Review: Cry of the Cougar – Kelly Abell

Title: Cry of the Cougar Series: Guardian's of Spirit Rock Author: Kelly Abell Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Amazon Digital Services Reviewed by: Linda Tonis If you have read book one in this series then you know that the Gray brothers, Deacon, Logan, Cameron and Connor are skinwalkers and are the Guardians of Spirit Rock. If … Read more

Review: Spirit of the Bear – Kelly Abell

Title: Spirit of the Bear Series: Guardians of Spitir Rock Author: Kelly Abell Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Shmashwords Reviewed by: Linda Tonis In books one and two we had Cameron and Connor’s story and now Spirit of the Bear is Deacon’s. Deacon has been keeping a secret from his brothers and the Elders. He has … Read more

Review: Rescuing Laura – Lyn Horner

Title: Rescuing Laura Series: Romancing the Guardians Book 1 Author: Lyn Horner Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Lyn Horner Release Date: December 21, 2014 Pages: 204 AWARD WINNING ADULT ROMANCE He vowed to save her . . . even from herself. It won’t be easy with killers on her trail and the past haunting her. Lara … Read more

Review: Capturing Gabriel – Lyn Horner

Title: Capturing Gabriel Series: Romancing the Guardians Book 3 Author: Lyn Horner Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Lyn Horner Release Date: December 29, 2015 Pages: 143 What’s a handsome Colombian psychic with super-hero-power to do with a spirited Navajo beauty who invades his territory? Why, kidnap her of course. Chopper pilot Josie Tseda served in Afghanistan, … Read more

Review: Touching Charlotte – Lyn Horner

Title: Touching Charlotte Series: Romancing the Guardians Book 4 Author: Lyn Horner Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Lyn Horner Release Date: May 26, 2016 Pages: 156 How can a man hope to get close to a woman who can’t stand to be touched? That’s the dilemma facing Tristan Jameson when he meets Charlotte Dixon. Tristan is … Read more

Review: Profiling Nathan – Lyn Horner

Title: Profiling Nathan Series: Romancing the Guardians Book 5 Author: Lyn Horner Genre: Paranormal Romance Publisher: Lyn Horner Release Date: October 24, 2016 Pages: 144 Nathan Maguire is a Guardian of Danu, and he possesses a deadly psychic gift. He also has a checkered past. As a young man, he spent time in prison, where … Read more