RELEASE DAY- REVIEW: Damaged Saints- The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 Anthology – Layla Dorine

Damaged Saints Book Cover Damaged Saints
The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 Anthology
Layla Dorine
Rockstar, Romance, MM Romance, Heavy Metal Bands , Anthology
Oct 27, 2023

Last year, days after Rocktoberfest, the band Damaged Saints were onstage when a pyro accident burned their drummer and seriously injured their singer when he was hit with flying bits of burning shrapnel resulting in damage to his voice that has left him unable to continue on as the band’s singer.

He's their new manager though, and thanks to a friend from another band, they’ve got a lead on a new singer. Jagger is smokin’ hot, charismatic as hell, and so far as they’ve been able to tell, has very little in the way of inhibitions, which makes him the perfect fit for their rather snarky, salacious crew. There is just one problem: Jagger has only ever sung with cover bands and never on a large scale or even at a venue larger than a small-town waterfront festival. He’s used to having less than four feet to move around in, which doesn’t translate well when you’ve got a whole big stage to fill. With less than a month to see if he’s got some hidden moves they can draw out of him, they’re looking to use any means at their disposal and maybe even discover if Jagger is the perfect fit for them off the stage too.

Damaged Saints is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for? Kick back, load up your Kindle, and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Damaged Saints performed in 2022 at Rocktoberfest and everything was going good for the band until everything came crashing down around them. After Rocktoberfest they were performing at another gig when the pyrotechnics used in their act caused the drummer, Robbie to be burned and the lead singer, Draven to get hit with scrap metal in his throat and chest. Draven’s damage was career ending since not only couldn’t he sing anymore he could barely speak.

The band wants to put the past behind them and prepare for Rocktoberfest 2023, the only thing holding them back is a new lead singer and there isn’t much time to find one and prepare him. Jagger is a singer but most of his performances were at local bars but at the insistence of his best friend Johnny he agreed to audition for Damaged Saints. Unfortunately, his first meeting did not go as planned because he was greeted by two large dogs who he was convinced intended to eat him, so he headed home.

Kayden the bassist followed him begging him to return but Jagger insisted that he could not return because of the dogs and once again he said goodbye. Jagger saw the expression on Kayden’s face, a look of sadness and a look that said it is all over so he returned with a promise that “Cujo” would stay far away from him. When Jagger began to sing from the band’s playlist everyone realized that he was copying Draven, and they didn’t want a copycat they wanted someone who would bring something new and exciting to the table.

Robbie worried that Jagger would focus on his scared face, but he had no idea that Jagger’s brother had been burned in a fire that was the catalyst to him committing suicide. Jagger would never make Robbie feel ashamed of his scars and would be the first one to attack anyone who did. Robbie realizes that Jagger is insecure and lacks confidence but there was no doubt he would fit in with the band, they just had to push him to be himself.

Draven is part of the Damaged Saints family and since their management company dropped them after the accident Draven wants to step in as their manager. He can’t sing but he can be a contributing member of the band.

Jagger catches the eye of Kayden and Robbie and Jagger is ready, willing and quite able to join in and have some fun. Jagger proudly calls himself a nympho and sex is a constant on his mind. Kayden and Robbie have been together for a long time but never shy away from inviting others to join them or going it alone. Jagger fits right in with them so a great deal of the book besides Rocktoberfest is sex, anytime anywhere.

This is a multi-author series, each book about a different band, new bands, established bands and all of them thrilled to be performing in this huge concert in front of thousands of people. The only chance for Damaged Saints is to prove that what happened last year did not stop them but made them more determined than ever.

I have read many of the books in this series and highly recommend trying them all. Sex, amazing characters and rock and roll. What could be bad?

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