RELEASE DAY- REVIEW: Darker- Maw of Mayhem MC #2- AK Nevermore

Darker Book Cover Darker
Maw of Mayhem MC #2
AK Nevermore
Erotic, Fantasy, Mystery, Adventure
Changeling Press
March 15, 2024

So much for sanctuary. Kit Parson doesn’t feel any safer than she was before she first stepped into the Maw of Mayhem, and things are going from bad to worse. Something big is definitely going down in the paranormal community… and inside Kit. Now that her inner beast has awoken, all it wants is out. The only thing Kit wants is Grim, but he’s got issues of his own.

Fingered for a crime he didn’t commit and injured by the witch’s spell, his cat Darke has control of their form. He doesn’t play well with others, and tensions with the crew are at an all-time high.

With the witches’ elite assassins on their trail, can Darke and the crew put aside their differences to keep Kit safe and get back to the MC? And as the clock ticks toward the vote with Grim’s reputation in shambles, will there be an MC to go back to?

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Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Things have gone from bad to worse for Kit, Grim and the MC. Grim was found guilty of a crime he didn’t commit, and a witch’s spell has left him injured. Kit’s cat has awoken but has not shown up in the flesh although she and Darke know they are mates and converse with each other. Speaking of Darke he is now on his own since Grim is incapacitated and unable to speak or respond to anything around him.

The Darkling, Asorav is trying to help but enemies are all around them, vampires, witches and even some of the MC’s own. Asorav manages to get most of the crew safely away but Grim and Kit, must remain and Brick and Deuce stay behind to help in any way they can. When the witches close in it was Asorav that leads them to safety even though it took them through sewers leaving them wondering if they made the wrong choice.

Grim finally appears but only to Kit and wants his awakening to remain a secret for a while. There is no doubt that they are being betrayed with Nikki leading the march. Nikki is the one who wanted to become Queen and when Grim refused her she went for blood. It would take the Queen of vampires, Aryanna, to extend them a haven, although temporary it gave them a chance to clean off and you would have to read this book to understand the degree of filth and who knows what else is covering them.

Grim and Kit finally have the sex they both craved and it was another thing you must read for yourself to get the full sexy impact of it. So far, all the things that were meant to release Kit’s cat have failed but sex might just be what is needed. With constant attacks by the witches getting stronger and more deadly they are all on the run for their lives and allies are not jumping out of the woodwork to aide them.

Grim is now one of the most wanted men in the world but how does he prove his innocence when it appears the world is against him. Against enemies like, vampires, witches and even some of their own members of the Club where do they go for help. How do you fight against creatures that have excessive speed and power like the vampires or witches who have magic that can put you out with a spell.

Kit’s other half, Kat, wants out but Kit fears turning into a monster and fights her whenever she makes an attempt. The vote for a new president of the Club is supposed to take place but without all the members present hopefully it will be delayed but unfortunately those working on defeating Grim and bringing about a new Club that would partner with Reaper’s might win out in the end. The Maw of Mayhem MC might no longer exist while Grim, Kit, Brick and Deuce are trying to stay alive.

The safety, Kit counted on by Claymore, Grim’s dad and the club’s prior alpha has left her in more danger than when she first came to him for help getting away from her brutal father, Reaper.

So many secrets, surprises, betrayal, lies and nonstop action left me catching my breath time and again.

The sex was hot, very hot and left me breathless. This is a series that I highly recommend. It has everything you could want in a shifter book and MC book.

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