RELEASE DAY- REVIEW: Love at First Swipe – Andrew Grey

Love at First Swipe Book Cover Love at First Swipe
Andrew Grey
Contemporary Romance, Gay Romance, LGBTQ Romance
Dreamspinner Press
June 4, 2024

Darby Wright has fought for his independence ever since he lost his sight as a child. But even now that he has his own home and a good job, his overprotective mother doesn’t believe he can handle himself. Darby’s determined to prove her wrong, but there are some things—like finding his guide dog’s potty accident—where an extra set of eyes would come in handy.

Enter See For Me, an app that connects blind clients with sighted volunteers. See For Me is designed for just this sort of emergency, and it’s through this app that Darby meets Reynaldo. Lust at first voice turns to more when Darby and Reynaldo run into each other at a local sandwich shop, where Renaldo seems as nice in person as he was in app.

With Reynaldo, Darby can feel his world expanding. Reynaldo doesn’t just support him but understands him and sees Darby as more than his disability. But will being with Reynaldo mean giving up Darby’s hard-fought independence, or will it mean gaining something more than he ever dreamed?

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

This was a short but powerful story about being blind while keeping your independence. Darby Wright lost his sight at ten but his entire life he knew it was coming so it was not a surprise when he finally saw only darkness. Darby had to fight for the independence he so wanted but his parents, especially his mother, could not accept it. It didn’t matter how many times Darby told her to let go and enjoy her own life, she couldn’t loosen the reins.

When Darby’s dog Rex accidentally pooped in the kitchen due to being made to wait to go out till he couldn’t hold it anymore Darby knew it was his fault but the last time it happened, and he tried to clean it up he put his knee in it. Fortunately, the app See for Me came to the rescue. A website that connected blind clients with a sighted volunteer and his help came from a man named Reynaldo.

Darby managed to clean up the poop thanks to Reynaldo and Darby was enamored by his voice. At lunch at his favorite pizza restaurant, he ran into Reynaldo in the flesh. Reynaldo recognized him immediately and they agreed to meet again. Reynaldo seems to be attracted to Darby, but being with someone who is blind is not easy. Darby is attracted to Reynaldo by his voice and actions.

The two go out for dinner and dancing but not without Darby’s mom showing up before the date. Fortunately, she leaves before Reynaldo arrives and they have a fun night. Darby’s biggest fear is giving up his independence, he has a good job and works from home but how easy would it be to let Reynaldo take over the way his parents tried to do.

This could have been a sad story, but it was a story of overcoming and learning to live with a disability. Mr. Grey expressed it best by stating that sometimes the world becomes smaller and smaller for the blind when they stick to what they know and don’t venture out to learn new things.

This was a story of accepting what you have no control over and living the best life you possibly can under the circumstances. Darby and Reynaldo were wonderful, caring and loving characters who deserve a HEA, but I won’t reveal if they get it or not. Of course, if you are a fan of Mr. Grey you already know.

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