RELEASE DAY- REVIEW: Music & Dreams – The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 Anthology- JP Sayle

Music & Dreams Book Cover Music & Dreams
The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 Anthology
JP Sayle
Rockstar Romance, Heavy Metal Bands, Gay Romance, Anthology, Rocktoberfest 2023
October 31, 2023

Lorcan Swain has the world at his feet. Apart from his music and his daughter, Amy, there is no room in his life for anything or anyone else—until an accident makes him see what has been right in front of him all this time: Rogan.

Rogan Hanlon is passionate about two things—music, and his boss, Lorcan, lead singer of Grambo. A birth defect forces him to keep both passions hidden and his heart protected.
Who would want a disfigured man?

Once Lorcan sets his heart on something, he goes all out to get it. The two weapons in his arsenal to help him achieve his goal are Amy and his music. And if that means using them both on the biggest stage at Rocktoberfest to prove how he feels?

Bring. It. On

Music & Dreama is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for. Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

This was another journey to Rocktoberfest and my favorite by far. The three characters, Lorcan Swain, lead singer for the band Grambo, his six-year-old daughter going on twenty and Rogan, Amy’s tutor each were wonderful, and I felt an emotional bond with all of them. So, my focus on the story was on all three of them and what the future held in store.

Rogan was born with a cleft palate and harelip and although surgery corrected it, he still had a scar and at times a lisp and considered himself ugly. Every time Lorcan returned from a tour he waited anxiously for him to get home where he would be ready to prepare the hot chocolate Lorcan loved. Lorcan is bi-sexual which explains why he has a little girl whose mother wants nothing to do with her. He begins to look at Rogan differently but is unsure if he made any moves toward him if he would be turned down.

Amy is the cutest, smartest six-year-old who doesn’t hesitate to express her opinions even when they leave Rogan and Lorcan shocked and speechless. Rogan loves Amy and she loves him back. If Rogan is upset or hurt, she cries and hugs and kisses him which is exactly what happened when the three of them were making cookies. Flour went everywhere, Amy almost fell off the stool she was sitting on, and Rogan went to catch her falling and hitting his head against the kitchen counter. Rogan had a huge lump on his head which was bleeding and a cut above his eyebrow.

Amy insisted on joining Rogan in the hospital so she could make sure he was well taken care of holding his hand the whole time. Since the surgery he went through to repair his lip he has a fear of hospitals so when it was confirmed he had a bad concussion he cried for Lorcan to take him home, which he did.

Lorcan stayed by his side nursing him and holding him, and Rogan convinced himself that it was because he was hurt and had nothing to do with having romantic feelings for him.

It was Amy who asked Lorcan when he was going to take Rogan on a date and if he loved him, currently it is very hard to keep things from kids they are just too advanced and leave their parents in the dust.

Amy loves her daddy and Rogan so them being together would be perfect for her. The two men she loves the most always there.

While Rogan and Lorcan are dancing around their feelings Rocktoberfest is coming up fast and if all that wasn’t enough Michael the band’s manager throws a wrench into the mix, and his actions are not pretty.

The Road to Rocktoberfest is a multi-author series and they are all standalone but that just means you can read them all but in no order and you would be missing out on some hot rockers and hot sex. Lorcan in the beginning of the book reflected on the price he pays being in a top rock band, he has a mansion, and money but he spends months travelling in a tour bus missing out on time with his daughter and although it is hard, he acknowledges the fact that he loves it.

There were some surprises in store for Rogan, surprises that would change his future in a way he could never have imagined.



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