Release Day – REVIEW: The Lawgiver’s Firebrand: The Blood Coven World Novella #1-T.M. Smith

The Lawgiver's Firebrand Book Cover The Lawgiver's Firebrand
The Blood Coven World Novella #1
TM Smith
Novella, Short Read, Alpha Male, Romance
Evernight Publishing
Feb 9, 2024

He’s Arrogant
Lawgiver Daire is an arrogant incubus, a connoisseur of elegant females and the finer things of life.

She’s Common
Arianna is a witch and Firebrand warrior who is … well … common and less tastefully dressed than the legislator.

When Daire needs an arm charm and bodyguard for a gala, he hires Ari. After a fire breaks out at the event, a question must be asked. Who’s the target? As the story unfolds, the mismatched warrior and the incubus dodge attacks and pursue a more erotic pastime than avoiding a killer.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

This series is one of my favorites, so I wanted it to be longer but at least I got another taste of the Blood Coven World and am looking forward to the next book. This was just a tease.

Arianna (Ari) is celebrating becoming a full-fledged Firebrand with members of her team. She caught the attention of Daire, an incubus who considers her common, boots, shorts and overall messy but it doesn’t stop him from approaching her. Ari finds him stuck-up, pompous and apparently very, very rich.

Ari gives into Daire when he decides to grab her into a corner and pleasure her. She doesn’t complain until she is given a mission to protect Daire at a huge business gathering. He sends clothes to every member of the team working the protection, insists they get groomed, wear acceptable shoes and be less of an eyesore than usual.

Ari is assigned as Daire’s hostess and for an incubus who insists she is not his type and is common he can’t keep his hands off her. When fire breaks out Ari and the other Firebrands are tasked with getting everyone out safely and in doing so, she uses her magic to the point where she is barely able to make it out. With everyone safe suspicion falls on Awakening Dawn and their leader Cerberus, and if you are a fan of this series then those names are very familiar to you.

Ari’s commander assigns her to go home with Daire to protect him and protect him she does. Daire calls to fire his security leaving him able to seduce Ari, not a very difficult thing to do. He wants her, she wants him, so all bets are off. Then an attack in his residence reveals the real culprit responsible for the fire and what a surprise.

There is sex, lots of sex and what appears to be a full-blown relationship forming and a HEA in the future.


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