REVIEW: Skin Sessions- Branded and Bedeviled#2- J.P. Jackson

Skin Sessions Book Cover Skin Sessions
Branded and Bedeviled#2
J.P. Jackson
LGBTQ Short Read, Horror, Paranormal, Demons
May 2, 2023

This is book #2 in the Skin Sessions series. It is strongly recommended to read them in order.

Gavin Medici, the owner of The Unicorn's Horn, has settled the arrangement made with the incubus Taz-rial, and within hours of completing his pact, the pleasure house is overwhelmed with customers and reservations.

Corbin, the witch boy who cast the spell that invited Taz-rial has an old client suddenly return. But in the middle of his skin session with his date, Corbin's old wound begins to fester. He's never told anyone that he's infected. And he certainly hasn't shared that the source of the infection is a flesh-eating ghoul.

As the undead virus begins to take hold, the boys of the pleasure house band together to save him, but in the end, it's Taz-rial who saves the day...for an additional small price.

Is the cost worth it?

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair for The Paranormal Romance Review Team

Yes it’s time to talk about Book #2 Branded and Bedeviled. This story is longer with many things at play…..a good choice of words ‘play’. Our leader Sir might have second thoughts about his Deal with the Demon. He is exhausted after our Demon chose him as his plaything for the night and he is sore and exhausted.

Again the thought of donating a human once a year to the demon Taz still does not sit well with Sir and two of his ‘boys’ Dillon who is Fae and his bestie Aiden. They had not agreed to the deal and have left the house. Our sweet witchy Corbin has had a secret he has kept from everyone, upending his rope play scene with an old customer.

The author has a great sense of pacing, keeping the reader involved as more secrets are revealed. Taz the demon has a grand plan, and I’m not sure how this will play out with Corbin”s mother now in the basement!!! There is a story there ,,,,,It’s a page turner I tell you!!!

Join me again next week as I review Book #3.

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