New Release- REVIEW: Little Mister Perfect-Little Mister Perfect Book# 1- Wendy Rathbone

Little Mister Perfect Book Cover Little Mister Perfect
Little Mister Perfect Book# 1
Wendy Rathbone
Gy Erotica, Gay Fiction, Gay Romance
Eye Scry Publications
Jan 31, 2024

Can a neat-freak perfectionist boy and an over-worked daddy learn to trust enough to make an odd couple that truly works?


My family and friends always joke I was born with a pole up my you-know-what. I like things neat, tidy and perfect, including my appearance. It’s hard for me to just let go.

When I discover my inner little space, I’m not sure I want to entirely embrace it. While little space helps me to be more relaxed and impulsive, even somewhat wild, what if something goes wrong? What if I make too many mistakes? What if the potential daddies I might meet don’t approve of the way my inner little behaves?


I need to slow down. I’m in my mid-30s and have invested enough in my future to take a break from long workdays. I can now afford to stay at home more, work part-time. Plus, I’m finally ready to settle down. If only I can meet the right boy to let my true daddy bloom.

When I meet Sullivan, the boy is adorable, smart and sexy, but he’s so uptight I’m not sure I’ll ever see a second date.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Valente is thirty-six and has decided it was time to enjoy life. He decided to work part-time and from home and if the powers to be didn’t approve then he would submit his resignation. Valente wants a boy so he can be a daddy, he has gotten to live out his fantasy but unfortunately, they didn’t last. He wants a long-term relationship and after a couple of months away he returns to Club 99 a kink club offering every fantasy.

When he enters the Littles room, he finds everyone paired up, so he stops at the bar where he begins to talk to the bouncer Colin. Colin is willing to help Valente hook up with a Little and arranges a meeting with his nephew Sullivan. Colin knew about Sullivan’s desire to be a Little and was there to help him when his parents made him leave home. Religious and unwilling to accept a gay son he was ignored until he was of age and asked to leave.

Sullivan is a perfectionist, just being late for class could set him off. He has a 4.0 average, has received a full scholarship and is graduating early but he can’t put his mind at rest, always worrying about feeling like a failure. Fifteen minutes late to class and he finds himself crying at the supermarket, he is a little boy in a grown man’s body, but he has not been able to admit that to anyone. It would be Colin who finally pushes him into accepting who he is and arranging a meeting with Valente a man who wants a Little.

The first meeting ended at an arcade where Sullivan was able to release his little boy, playing games, collecting tickets and retrieving his prize and it was Valente who made it all happen. When Valente asked for a second date instead of immediately accepting Sullivan withdrew into his adult mind and couldn’t accept without a lot of thought. When his brain told him that Valente was what he wanted a second date was the obvious decision.

The second date led to the third all the while Sullivan was holding back. Sullivan is afraid that his antics while in Little mode would turn Valente off so didn’t reveal the real him for a while. He finally asked if he could call Valente daddy which not only did he agree to but was beyond overjoyed. Each date Sullivan opens up more about his likes and dislikes and Valente accepts it all while worried that Sullivan might leave.

As the relationship between the daddy and boy continues to grow it is apparent that it all depended on trust, trust that Valente would give Sullivan what he needed to make him happy. It is a relationship that I don’t totally understand but I can understand the need to sometimes put the adult you with pressures of family and job in a drawer and let the child appear, especially for those whose childhoods were far from perfect.

There is a lot of daddy-boy play and I don’t think much was left to the imagination, but it was tastefully done, and I enjoyed it.

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