Digging Up Bones #1
M/M Mystery Suspense
Dreamspinner Press
August 14, 2017

Cloister Witte is a man with a dark past and a cute dog. He’s happy to talk about the dog all day, but after growing up in the shadow of a missing brother, a deadbeat dad, and a criminal stepfather, he’d rather leave the past back in Montana. These days he’s a K-9 officer in the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and pays a tithe to his ghosts by doing what no one was able to do for his brother—find the missing and bring them home.
He’s good at solving difficult mysteries. The dog is even better.
This time the missing person is a ten-year-old boy who walked into the woods in the middle of the night and didn’t come back. With the antagonistic help of distractingly handsome FBI agent Javi Merlo, it quickly becomes clear that Drew Hartley didn’t run away. He was taken, and the evidence implies he’s not the kidnapper’s first victim. As the search intensifies, old grudges and tragedies are pulled into the light of day. But with each clue they uncover, it looks less and less likely that Drew will be found alive.
Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Sr. Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Thanking Amazon for sending me an upcoming new read for TA Moore. Book #2 is coming out this month and lo and behold I Hadn’t Read Book #1 Bone to Pick. This was my lucky day as I saw this and had a 4 hr flight to fill my time. So I am In the skies with a new mystery and the lady next to me wanting to talk was funny as I stopped for a drink and snack and warned her I needed to return to the mystery.
I had just found Ms. Moore recently and I still need to go back and consume everything she has written. I had read and reviewed a contemporary romance she had written Every Other Weekend and loved it, along with her story in the co authored 450 page Block Buster, Devil Take Me….sharing stories with Ginn Hale, Rhys Ford, Jordan Hawk, CS Poe and Jordan Castillo Price.
Now sitting on a brand spanking new 737 I and was enchanted. Cloister Witte is part of the K-9 Unit for the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. He and his partner a black well trained female German Sheppard named Bourneville work well together. The tall blond attractive is a shadow, with enough baggage to fill my 737. Javi Merlo is the local FBI agent for the area. My first impression of Javi was not great. I saw him as a Spoiled, arrogant, snob. The exact opposite of the shy, hidden Cloister. Bidden to work together on a case as a young boy disappears from a local camp ground we find opposites do attract.
The story is a hard read, where a child disappears. The finger pointing, the horror for a family. So here we begin to see who Cloister and Javi are, what they bring from their past and experience and the attraction that was inevitable, making those scenes hot.
I don’t want to give away anything…..Just want to tell you IF YOU LIKE MYSTERIES…It’s a good one! Lucky me there is a sequel coming out this month….I am on it….and will follow up going down the list of this author’s other writings.