REVIEW: Endless Sea of Stars- Elizabeth F Shearly

Endless Sea of Stars Book Cover Endless Sea of Stars
Elizabeth F Shearly
Sci Fi, Action Adventure, Science Fiction Romance
March 7, 2023

Jeanie and Liam are geniuses with ships and systems—less so with each other

The ground shakes under Jeanie’s feet, and she staggers across the pristine corridor, her blowtorch digging into her hip when she collides with the wall. The blaring alarm pounds through her head. We get it, the moon is imploding! She’s still far away from the ship that’s her only escape from the disintegrating base. Too far away.

Years ago, Jeanie and Liam thought the isolated moon base would be a middle ground between her spacefaring lifestyle and his need for the stability of a space station. It didn’t take long to realize that the life they chose was making both of them miserable.

But now it’s literally falling apart around them, with no escape in sight. No escape but one slim chance they have no choice but to take. It may not be comfortable or pretty, but it just might keep them alive long enough to save their marriage.

Endless Sea of Stars is a sci-fi rekindling the romance novella with a good amount of spice --- intended for mature readers!

Content notes: Sexually explicit scenes, liberal use of obscenities. See the book page on for detailed content notes.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Jeanie and her husband Liam settled on an abandoned moon base that is now imploding. Jeanie decided to retrieve her data stick holding her AI rather than heading for their spaceship endangering both her and Liam. Now that she has her data stick it is too late, every escape avenue is sealed off and the only means of escape is the escape pod.

The escape pod is questionable since neither Jeanie nor Liam had gone over it to ensure it was safe, but it is too late. Getting the pod free from the base was risky and caused damage but they are free to go but go where. Systems are offline including the navigation system, so they are flying blind.

The food printer is barely working and only producing grey slime, the shower is only cold water, and the fuel tank is almost empty. Keeping the ship in one piece is turning out to be a constant battle and they are just barely keeping it afloat.

Together in a small pod eventually causes Jeanie and Liam to begin arguing and it is exacerbated when Liam sends out a message asking about ending the marriage. It was Jeanie who received the reply and that is when the blame game began. Liam blamed her for risking their lives to retrieve the data stick, he blamed her for doing little around the ship because of her injured hip, an injury he caused.

She moves into another room, and they barely talk so Liam is unable to explain that the information on a divorce was so she could leave him if that was what she wanted not about him wanting to leave. When things on the ship become life or death all their anger is forgotten while they attempt to solve one problem after another.

The only answer to their request for help was from what turned out to be pirates and it was Liam who came up with a reason they should move on and leave them alone. The one constant is their sex life something they both enjoy and manage to push their anger aside for.

This novella was suspenseful watching as Jeanie and Liam fight to stay alive and find a place to land. If and when they do land the big question is what they will do and will they do it together.

Surprises, sex and suspense.

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