MM Historical/Mystery/Romance
Widdershins LLC
May 6, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
After just recently devouring the prequel to this series last month, Ms Hawk slams us immediately with Book One of this fantastical series. If you love witches, familiars, and believe in magick, Hexbreaker has got to be for you!
The background is the late 1800’s in New York. The city that never sleeps, takes us back to the time that all the boroughs Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan and January 1, 1898 wrought the consolidation of them to become one ; as NYC.
Dominic and Rook are still at the MWP, happily working together now as a bonded couple as Witch and familiar. The Metropolitan Witch Police or MWP is the magic side of the police department. We also have the regular NY Police Department that doesn’t take too kindly to the MWP.
New York police officer Tom Halloran has been on the job 8 years. Before that, many horrible things had happened in Tom’s life, which has made him what he is today. Now after all these years a murder on his beat has brought back those horrible memories that he has kept hidden. Cicero is a un- bonded cat shifter, very fru fru and sophisticated. It is unlikely that rough, gruff Tom and fru fru Cicero would have anything in common….
Time stands still, the earth moves as Cicero realizes Tom is his Witch…..Will Cicero wait as long as Rook did to tell his witch???? Especially now that the two of them have been put on the case together to investigate that murder???? The sexual tension riding high!
I loved this story, the history of NY, the depiction of the city, why people came to America, huddled into smaller neighborhoods. Jews, Italians, Irish all with their own special agendas. The revolutionaries, the bohemian’s, the anarchists all fighting even then for better life for their families, equal pay for woman, same sex marriages, and other freedoms that are still nagging us in 2016.
Even the Magick world has an agenda and that is our story. Tom knows that he shouldn’t commit to Cicero, with what he holds secret from his past. But knowing and doing are two different things. Wonderful story Jordan Hawk !!!!