REVIEW: The Devil’s Dregs- A Seattle Coven Tale: A Friday the 13th Story- Series #4- Robert Herold

The Devil's Dregs Book Cover The Devil's Dregs
A Seattle Coven Tale: A Friday the 13th Story- Series #4
Robert Herold
Short Reads, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery, Suspense
Oct 13, 2023

A witch has stolen Steven Metcalf’s newborn son and intends to sacrifice the child to her dark lord. Steven and his two friends scour Seattle to rescue the infant, but the city has become infested with witches and their allies. Can Steven and company save the innocent before it’s too late?

A Friday the 13th Story: 13 authors ~ 13 suspenseful stories. Murder and mayhem on Friday the 13th... Find each story in the series on Amazon.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

This is another Friday the 13th story and once again Mr. Herold left me shaking. Thirteen authors have written suspense-filled stories with mayhem and murder, and this is the conclusion to the books Mr. Herold wrote.

Steven Metcalf has been on the run from the witches that previously tried to sacrifice him, the coven that the woman he fell for, Maara is part of. He saw a beautiful face and it didn’t take much persuasion for him to fall into bed with her. The coven ensures that their victims leave behind a child, a child who at the age of twenty-five will be sacrificed. Maara became pregnant with Steven’s child and now faces what Steven did being sacrificed at twenty-five.

With help from Li Hu the witch hunter and Mike they are trying to find Steven’s baby but it is hard to know who to trust when so many famous people belong to the coven. Low on money, trying to find a safe place to rest and any lead they can to follow. They hide out in Mike’s dwelling with other homeless people they assume they are safe, but Mike and Steven are captured by Oz who has made a pact with the witches, give him power and he will give them Steven.

Best laid plans of mice and men, things don’t go as planned for poor old Oz. Able to escape with help from Hu they are once again blamelessly pursuing any leads to Steven’s son. Even if they find where his son is being held what chance do they have against an entire coven. A fourth person is added that of a priest whose only contribution is a car and praying and the car is a blessing.

Time is running out because plans are in place that could never have entered Steven’s mind and once again, he puts trust in a witch who promises she is on his side, been there, done that, and the dumb just keep getting dumber.

This is the conclusion to Steven’s story and what a conclusion it is. I loved this story and all Robert Herold’s stories I have read before.

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