Multicultural, Interracial, Fantasy, Futuristic, Fantasy Romance
Oct 21, 2022
Ash and Tam Aliza are witches who have been on the run since they were 17-years- old. After running for ten years, the two decided to settle in a hidden paranormal town in Louisiana. Unfortunately, the moment they arrived in town, they drew unwanted attention.
After certain events which led the sisters to the infamous stripper lounge Blood Rose, they encounter a cross-dressing vampire who changes their lives.
Will Ash and Tam be able to live a simple life while they discover themselves? Or will their past eventually catch them, leaving them to fight for the life they finally were able to start?
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
WOW a book over seven hundred pages and it was never slow moving and boring. Witches, vampires, demons, shifters and amazing characters and now I must write a review without revealing anything important and trying to keep it from being as long as the book lol.
Ash and Tam Aliza are witches who ran from their coven at the age of 17 and now at the age of 27 after not having roots they have settled in a town in Louisiana where those that are paranormal live with humans in harmony and safety. Both girls are twenty-seven, not twins but cousins raised as sisters and sisters are what they consider themselves.
All the years on the run Ash was able to save money and buy them a house and property. The house is a fixer-upper needing so much attention, but they have their own place. While shopping they meet Juju, a bear shifter who immediately adopts the girls as her daughters and is ready to protect them against any harm. Her son Bubba sees Ash and is immediately smitten, he is the lightness in this book. The more Bubba tries to get Ash to like him the more she uses him as a punching bag.
Tam and Ash suffered severely at the hands of the coven they belonged to, but it was Ash who suffered the worst not only by the coven but by her father who wanted a boy and insisted Ash should never have been born and when he sold her to a demon who dragged her into Hell and used and abused her she was adversely affected and trusted no one but Tam. Tam met Bubba’s friend Jeramiah, half demon and half human and although demons caused both her and Ash pain, she feels an attraction to him and wants their relationship to grow.
A visit to Blood Rose, a dance club, strip club and burlesque house would lead to major changes in Ash’s life. One of the performers was a gorgeous woman who set her eyes on Ash and insisted she dance with her, him, because he/she is a cross-dresser. Rose/Raine is a vampire who knows without a doubt that Ash is his mate able to satisfy her desire for a male and sometimes a female. Of course, as hard as Raine tries to convince Ash that she belongs to him she is stubborn and has no intention of belonging to anybody.
As a vampire Raine can eat food and walk in the sun destroying the myth that they can only live on blood. He knows that Ash and Tam are witches but also realizes that Ash’s magic is like none he has encountered before. His devotion and attention to Ash is something any woman would dream about, well any woman but obviously not Ash.
The unexpected happens when Ash and Tam begin to embrace the love Juju extends to them and realize they finally have a family, Bubba, Jeremiah, Raine and so many of the other supernatural’s welcome them in a way they never were welcomed while growing up. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try to protect themselves their past abusers show up and although they are not alone anymore the battles will be vicious.
I Loved this book and the main characters as well as the secondary characters were wonderful. I don’t want to reveal what happens with Tam and Ash and the vampire and half-demon who love them or reveal the heart ache they suffered even though I want to tell everything. There were surprises, secrets, romance, explicit sex and betrayals.
I can’t recommend this book highly enough and ignore the fact that this is a very long book and get ready for an exciting story. I also must mention the mild editing errors tat our author has missed…..But as you can see it did not dampen my enjoyment.