DUAL REVIEW: Swings and Roundabouts- Power of Zero Book #4- Jackie Keswick

Swings and Roundabouts Book Cover Swings and Roundabouts
Power of Zero Book #4
Jackie Keswick
Vigilante Justice, Murder Mystery, Gay Romance
May 13, 2018




Only Jack would start a breakup-worthy argument in a hot tub.

Jack Horwood. Vigilante, hacker, security specialist. Partner to Gareth Flynn. Adoptive father to their two teenage boys. Happily juggling long days and short nights.

Gareth Flynn. Ex-army officer. Ace negotiator. Righter of wrongs. Away from home more often than he likes.

When Jack treats Gareth to a romantic getaway, Sweden’s frigid peace gives them the break they both need. But Jack’s a trouble magnet and the next dead body is just a wild skidoo ride away.

Can love, teamwork, and trust survive the troubles that follow them around? Can Jack save what’s become so important to him?

Expect action, drama, and hot romance in book 4 of the Power of Zero series.

Review By Ulysses Dietz,
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Jack Horwood and Gareth Flynn seem to have a James Bond version of a normal life. In this fourth book of the Power of Zero series, they are moving rapidly toward a kind of Mission Impossible domesticity, complete with a big Victorian house in a fashionable part of London’s sprawl. The only thing that seems to hamper Jack and Gareth’s achievement of the British Dream is both men’s irrational neuroses as well astheir high-tech, high-powered, high-stress jobs.

I mean, having two teenagers is stressful (I know, my husband and I have done that), but just imagine when you give your teenagers knife training and helicopter flying lessons—not to mention taking them to school on the back of your motorcycles.

The tender emotional core of this series is Jack and Gareth’s ongoing insecurity over their personal damage and whether or not that disqualifies them from deserving the happiness that home and family offers.

The external driver of this series is the ongoing adventures that the young super-hacker and his silver fox former CO keep having in spite of their best efforts. In this installment of the saga, a supposedly quiet weekend away turns into a snowbound cottage above the artic circle in Sweden. And an unexpected murder investigation.

As much fun as the Swedish sojourn is, one of the book’s great pleasures is watching Jack and Gareth cope with wounded teenagers Daniel and Nico. No parents have ever been better attuned to their kids than these guys.

And therein lies the key to the joy of this book and this series. Under all the craziness, this is the kind of family we’d all like to have. Against the odds, and against society’s expectations, Jack and Gareth overcome their personal foibles for the sake of the children and their love for each other.


Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

Another wonderful addition to this wonderful series. Gareth and Jack have finally become Nico and Daniel’s legal guardians, both their houses are up for sale and the new house they will purchase is everything they could ever wish for but as usual their life doesn’t go in a straight line, it usually curves when trouble comes knocking and it does.

Gareth has been taking side jobs for Aiden Conrad which has been taking him away for long periods of time, putting a strain on his relationship with the boys and Jack. His last venture to prove a man innocent of embezzling 60 million dollars turned out to be a failure when the bank in Zurich refused to help him. This just added to his already tired and cranky self but Jack refuses to give up on the man he loves, the man who was always there for him when he was down.

In addition to the strain on Jack and Gareth’s relationship there is also the strain on the boys. Jack is holding down the fort making sure the boys have everything they need, and although Gareth is feeling guilty about it Jack is enjoying every minute. Jack comes up with an idea that will help Gareth and bring them back to where they belong, a vacation.

With help from a friend Jack arranges a long weekend in Sweden and keeps Gareth in the dark. When they arrive at the cottage belonging to Jack’s friend with snowmobiles, food in the freezer and all the comforts of home including a hot tub Gareth finally begins to loosen up and realizes that this was just what he needed time alone with the man he loves. With two teenage boys, finding time alone is not easy but having them there is worth it.

The vacation is turning out to be exactly what Jack and Gareth needed but trouble seems to be brewing back home with Nico and Daniel not talking to each other. Nico’s mood swings have gotten scary, and Jack and Gareth must find out what is going on with him when they get home but right now, they are enjoying their time alone. Jack’s friend invites them to the ice hotel for a party and sleep over. The place is decorated with ice sculptures which of course means no heat. Sleep requires all outerwear and a sleeping bag but sharing the sleeping bag was just what the doctor ordered minus of course anything physical.

Finally free to talk openly, Jack discovers what has been tormenting Gareth and the talk also made him realize how wrong he was. Now it is morning and time to explore the sculptures in their room much to Jack’s delight. This is where once again Gareth and Jack find trouble and where their wonderful weekend could end very badly. I have no intention to reveal what happened, but it just once again proves these two men can’t stay away from trouble even in an ice hotel where the only trouble should be how to get warm.

Nico’s past, which hopefully you are aware of if you have read the series in order, still affects his present and future so Jack and Gareth are determined to find a way to prove to him that his life with them is forever.

There are many books starring Jack and Gareth and rightly so since they are characters you can’t help but love and root for.

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