NEW RELEASE-REVIEW: Luscious Match Perfect Match Agency Springtime Wendy Rathbone

Luscious Match Book Cover Luscious Match
Perfect Match Agency Springtime
Wendy Rathbone
Omegaverse, Gay Fiction, Gay Romance, Anthologies & Collections
Eye Scry Publications
March 22, 2024

Can an older, successful alpha and a young, spoiled omega be a true match? The Perfect Match Agency says YES!

Gabe has had bad luck with alphas. As a spoiled trust fund omega, he tends to meet the types who only see dollar signs when they discover he has money. Does he not know how to pick them? Or is fate intervening until his true mate shows up?

Gabe would love to believe there is a perfect, fated mate out there for him, but is afraid it will never become a reality for him. But when his fathers give him an ultimatum, he needs to find a mate quickly. When a friend tells him about the Perfect Match Agency, Gabe figures it can’t be any worse than what he’s experienced.

Kallen is a successful fashion designer. Now in his mid-thirties, he has come to believe there is no true mate out there for him.

When Kallen sees a random ad for Perfect Match, he discovers so many success stories, he decides to give it a try. Within weeks of applying, he’s matched. It’s an instant connection, but this young omega has a secret that may threaten their fragile new relationship.

Review By Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

A fan of this series, I began Perfect Match Series when Roe Horvat invited two other authors Wendy Rathbone and MM Farmer to join him in his Omegaverse world. It was a 6 book series each author writing 2 stories each. Since that series was such a large hit series the three authors have been have been joined by Anna Weinhart and Amy Bellows for a Five Book Spring addition series…..This is Book #4.

I must say I adored this story. Since these stories are very, very steamy, Ms. Rathbone has given these two something ‘more’. Meeting Gabe and Kallen and why they joined the perfect match agency was built on loneliness in each others life. But Gabe the young omega, began this journey joining it out of fear as well. His Papa and Father threatened him with taking away his open ticket of opulent living and wanting him to grow up. They gave him 10 months to change or they would stop his trust fund. Kallen in his mid thirties was a designer, had is own home and was was ready for a lover and babies and falling in love.

When the two were notified they matched with a over 93 percent match. Those who have read tis series KNOW the dangers this invokes with the phermones and hormones collide and collide they did.

This story was one of the sweetest in the series. Being able to understand Gabe and feeling his fear of Kallen finding out about the money was one of the reasons for signing up was preying on his mind.. The fear of losing his paycheck from his family would be hard BUT the relationship took such quick and loving twist and turns ; quickly into more than lovers. Fated was in the air!

A wonderful addition!!!

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