Review: Overcoming Fear – Grace R. Duncan

Overcoming Fear Book Cover Overcoming Fear
Pandemus Chronicles Book 3
Grace R. Duncan
M/M Romance
August 2, 2019

It's been four years since a global pandemic has ravaged the world and almost a year since Mark and Duncan had their fateful meeting at a tiny pharmacy. Duncan has spent that time doing everything he could to ease Mark's fears of losing him—fears that go beyond the normal danger of their new world. When a minister and his wife seek out Mark for help, Duncan sees an opportunity to show Mark another level of commitment—if Mark will dare to take it.

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

It has been four years since a global pandemic ravaged the earth, and almost a year since Mark and Duncan met. Since they met, the two men have grown closer and closer. Mark lives with a constant fear that Duncan will leave him either willingly or otherwise, and Duncan does everything in his power to ease his fears. It is understandable when you consider the new world they are living in, no laws, no electricity and living one day at a time.

When a pastor and his wife come knocking, asking for Mark’s help since he has medical training they are welcomed in. Their appearance gives Duncan an idea which he hopes will finally give Mark the security he needs.

This was a short story but in spite of that it totally made the realization of life in a ravaged world very real. This is my first book in this series but not my last.

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