REVIEW: The Angel and the Devil- Zwahk Muchoney

The Angel and the Devil Book Cover The Angel and the Devil
Zwahk Muchoney
Gay Romance, LGBTQ Short Read, Fantasy
Dec 19, 2023

Satan falls head over hooves for Tzyeriel, a feisty angel of wrath from the realm of Heaven. As their secret romance sizzles hotter than the flames of Hell, Satan is plagued by the terror of what will happen when the Archangels of God descend upon him, while Tzyeriel just wants to spend a romantic day torturing sinners alongside the object of his affection. Meanwhile, Satan's former paramour Abaddon, the angel of locusts, finds out about the affair, and seeks to use news of the scandalous liason to try and seize the throne of Hell for himself. This story of love isn't just eternal, it's downright infernal!

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

When Tzyeriel is sent to Hell to punish a fallen who was responsible for grave injuries in the mortal realm it is Satan who takes him to the prisoner and supplies him with all the tools of torture he required. Satan watched and saw immediately the pleasure Tzyeriel derived from the torture he was inflicting; Satan couldn’t do any better himself.

This was a very interesting short story about the love of a Seraphim, Tzyeriel and Satan.

Satan has been lonely and felt an attraction to Tzyeriel although after his job was done, he would return to Heaven. Satan took a chance by asking Tzyeriel to stay and was surprised when he agreed. Taking his first taste of wine and getting inebriated Tzyeriel fell into Satan’s arms. There was no doubt that they would both receive punishment and since that was going to be the outcome why stop at just once.

The angel and Satan fall in love and the powers that be descend on them both. Tzyeriel is returned to Heaven to receive his punishment which would likely be his fall to Earth and Satan must wait to hear his.

What happens to the angel and Satan and their love is not something I will reveal but it was quite an interesting development. Heaven and Hell do not differ very much because there is betrayal exhibited by both. Both sides are not without acts of cruelty, well in this book anyway so I was rooting for the angel and Satan.

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