REVIEW: Unwrapped in Røros -Passport to Pleasure- Hanna Park

Title: Unwrapped in Røros Series: Passport to Pleasure Author: Hanna Park Genre: Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Erotica Publisher: Wild Rose Press Release Date: Nov 6, 2023 Format: Kindle Pages: 107 Source: Amazon I survived the Big C. And now, every day is a candy cane kiss. I’m making up for lost time—living large and rocking around … Read more

REVIEW : Finding Tiegan – Hanna Park

Title: Finding Tiegan Author: Hanna Park Genre: Paranormal Romance, Ghosts, Erotic Publisher: Wild Rose Press Release Date: August 23, 2021 Format: Kindle Pages: 294 Source: Amzon A holiday in the Algarve of Portugal…sunshine…fun-shine. It’s what I need. It’s time to be me. Time to find the woman I was before the nightmares, outlandish dreams, and … Read more