Blog Tour: The Phoenix – T.M. Smith

T.M. Smith has a new paranormal/fantasy romance out, The Blood Coven Series Book 5: The Phoenix. Indigo … isn’t just any witch. She’s the reader of the River Am, incomparable finder of lost objects, witch extraordinaire, sister of Alarik, aunt of Rein, daughter of Tor and Adriana, madwoman, and quirky bitch. Roark … is an enigma. … Read more

BLOG TOUR: Postscript – Anne Barwell

Postscript - Anne Barwell

Anne Barwell has a new MM fantasy book out, Kedgetown book 1: Postscript. A magical bookshop holds the keys. When Mason Chynoweth inherits an old house in small-town New Zealand, he hopes to discover what happened to his great-great uncle Lewis after he returned from the war in 1945. Mason’s first encounter with the property … Read more

BLOG TOUR: After Midnight – Shari Nichols

After Midnight - Shari Nichols

Shari Nichols has a new fantasy/paranormal romance out: After Midnight. An ancient curse has prevented astrologer Brooke Howe from finding true love. She hides her longing by matching others, hoping to change her fate. When Nico Denopoulos, the gorgeous younger brother of a friend, struts into her shop seeking a soulmate, she’s immediately drawn to … Read more