Release Day Dual REVIEW : Short Story- The River’s Edge – Jordan Castillo Price

Short Story- The River's Edge Book Cover Short Story- The River's Edge
Jordan Castillo Price
Short Reads, Science Fiction Fantasy, LGBTQ Fantasy
July 3, 2023

Two lost souls…one uncanny journey.

Cynic, enforcer, and all-around dangerous guy—Gino is hardly surprised to find himself dumped on the riverbank. His gun, wallet and cellphone are long gone, though he has been left with one hell of a splitting headache.

But Gino’s not the only one in dire straits. Soon a damaged young man named Shane discovers his party friends aren’t really friends at all, and now he too is stuck in the middle of nowhere.

One man is a blunt weapon, while the other has never quite measured up—neither with any good prospects for a bright future. But when their paths collide, they embark on an extraordinary journey of redemption and self-discovery. Together, they confront the unknown and forge an unbreakable bond that defies the odds. Will they find solace and salvation, or will they be consumed by the secrets of their past?

Review by Gloria Lakritz

Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Just had a moment to grab this from Jordan Castillo Price to review. I am always thrilled when I open a book from a favorite author. It has been a hot 100 plus degrees where I am in Phoenix and have been house bound more because of the heat. so iced tea and I grabbed a seat in the AC ……

So I also must preface this by saying this story is a whimsical, a short, a horror story; that’s what I think of this being. Jordan really surprised me tho as it was less than 70 pages. It went to fast, yet it was just enough.

As always this author jumps right in immersing a reader in why we are here. So let me say meeting Gino was instantaneous. Described as an enforcer, a very dangerous guy; as he wakes up in the middle of nowhere. Realizing he is on the wet ground, has a tremendous headache, his gun, his cell and wallet are gone. We listen to him thinking of how he got there, can’t quite remember it all, figures he has memory loss from the blood on the back of his head.

It is very dark and he begins to walk slowly to find a road to get a ride. Eventually he bumps in to another lost young man named Shane whose story is that he was left by his partying friends. This is the start of them figuring it is better to do this together as they are totally lost alone.

I must say I had an inkling about the ending, it was a tickle in my mind, but this was truly a satisfying quickie……..I found it so enjoyable I gave it 5 Stars as I wait for another Victor Bayne Novel.


Dual Review by Ulysses Dietz

Imagine, if you will, a Twilight Zone episode written as a m/m romance. This is a long short story, eerie and tender by turns. It is gripping. If you had a classical education, you’ll get it right away. If not, you’ll get it eventually.

Gino finds himself, groggy and bloodied, on the foggy banks of a river, realizing that his boss must have clobbered him and dumped him in the country. Then Shane stumbles upon the scene, pretty and red-haired and obviously upscale. Shane seems even more lost and confused than Gino does.

Gino’s initial suspicion turns to concern when he realizes that Shane is not well. For all his tough-guy demeanor, Gino has a big heart. Together, he and Shane head for the nearest road, sharing their secrets with each other and realizing that, in spite of the unfortunate circumstances, they’re both glad they met.

Jordan Castillo Price is always a go-to for me. Even in this short format, she does a fantastic job with mood, character, and emotional manipulation.



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