NEW RELEASE REVIEW: The Villain Who Wasn’t – A Carnival of Mysteries Book – Liv Rancourt

The Villain Who Wasn’t - Liv Rancourt

Title: The Villain Who Wasn’t Series: A Carnival of Mysteries Book Author: Liv Rancourt Genre: Paranormal, Gay Romance Publisher: Independent Release Date: Jul 24th, 2024, 2023 Format: Kindle Pages: 243 Source: Amazon Micah is not a nice guy. He can shift into anything with a pulse, a rare talent that caught a demon’s eye. Threatening … Read more

Release Day- REVIEW- The Wrong Familiar: Carnival of Mysteries- Megan Derr

Title: The Wrong Familiar Series: Carnival of Mysteries Author: Megan Derr Genre: LGBTQ Fantasy, Fantay Romance Publisher: Multi Author- Independent Release Date: July 17, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 202 Source: Amazon Welcome to Carnival of Mysteries 2024 Ninos has been training … Read more

Review: Meran’s Reproach- Book Two Legend of the Ancients -The Books of Locurnia – Deonne Dane

Title: Meran's Reproach Series: Book Two Legend of the Ancients -The Books of Locurnia Author: Deonne Dane Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy, LGBTQ Fantasy Publisher: Blaxk Onyx Publishing Release Date: Nov 28, 2020 Format: Kindle Pages: 144 Source: Amazon A reluctant heir. An insidious power. What is privilege when his own magic threatens to take … Read more

REVIEW: Living With The Dead -Spirit Boys Series Book #2- BL Maxwell

Title: Living With The Dead Series: Spirit Boys Series Book #2 Author: BL Maxwell Genre: Horror, Supernatural, Fantasy, LGBTQ Fiction Publisher: Independent Release Date: June 6, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 159 Source: Amazon   Jordan Amid’s family has always been connected to the other side of the veil, but they follow a long tradition of … Read more

NEW RELEASE- REVIEW – Skeleton Crew- Psy Cop #14- Jordan Castillo Price

Title: Skeleton Crew Series: Psy op Book #14 Author: Jordan Castillo Price Genre: LGBTQ Mystery, Fantasy, Psychic Mystery Publisher: JCP BOOKS Release Date: May 20, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 302 Source: Amazon Although Victor Bayne is a valued asset of the FPMP, he still vividly recalls his PsyCop days: the eye rolls, the nasty looks, … Read more

REVIEW: Caught -A Balance of Magic Book #1- Jackie Keswick

Title: Caught Series: A Balance of Magic Book #1 Author: Jackie Keswick Genre: Asian Myth, LGBTQ Fantay, Publisher: Independent Release Date: Sept 24, 2021 Format: Kindle Pages: 271 Source: Amazon Save two worlds, or save each other? Rakurai hunts demons. He doesn’t consort with gods. Until he meets Tenzen. Tenzen cares for souls. He despises … Read more

REVIEW: Legacy of Light: Angels of the Veil Book #1- Nita Round

Title: Legacy of Light Series: Angels of the Veil Book #1 Author: Nita Round Genre: Mythical Creatures, LGBTQ Fantasy, Dragons Publisher: Pink Tea Books Release Date: April 2, 2023 Format: Kindle Pages: 364 Source: Amazon Cassie Evans is more than your average supernatural hunter. Cassie’s the daughter of a fallen angel, who vows to protect … Read more

Review: Stitched Up Tight-Skin Sessions #5- JP Jackson

Title: Stitched Up Tight Series: Skin Sessions #5 Author: JP Jackson Genre: LGBTQ Fantasy, Paranormal Erotica,, Short Reads Publisher: Independent Release Date: March 31, 2023 Format: KIndle Pages: 113 Source: Amazon This is book #5 in the Skin Sessions series. It is strongly recommended to read them in order. Scotty loves to please people and … Read more

New Release- REVIEW: My Vampire Weekend- Shane K. Morton

Title: A Vampire Weekend Author: Shane K Morton Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance, LGBTQ Fantasy, Vampire Romance Publisher: Independent Release Date: April 12, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 119 Source: Amazon A man who sees the future A vampire stuck in the past To escape their past and have a future- they must first survive their present! … Read more

NEW RELEASE- REVIEW- What Happens in Hell (Stays in Hell): A Hammer Falls Novel- Tal Frost

Title: What Happens in Hell (Stays in Hell) Series: A Hammer Falls Novel Author: Tal Frost Genre: LGBTQ Fantasy, Gay Erotica, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Publisher: Independent Release Date: April 10, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 167 Source: Amazon Please note: this is an add-on novel for The Tree of Life. When Sam, a mere human with … Read more