RELEASE DAY – REVIEW: Lane Unleashed- Brotherhood Protectors World Team KOA Alpha #1- Regan Black

Title: Lane Unleashed Series: Brotherhood Protectors World Team KOA Alpha #1 Author: Regan Black Genre: Action, Adventure, Military Romance Publisher: Twisted Page Press LLC Release Date: June 18, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 200 Source: Amazon   A fleeting first glance could become a forever connection… Former SEAL Lane Benning and his friends are in Hawaii … Read more

REVIEW: Don’t Howl At Me – GSC in Love #2- Katy Manz

Title: Don’t Howl At Me Series: GSC in Love #2 Author: Katy Manz Genre: Paranormal Witches, Wizards, Werewolves, Shifters Publisher: Independent Release Date: Sept 29, 2023 Format: Kindle Pages: 119 Source: Amazon   Alpha Wolf found his fated mate. Unfortunately, his one-night stand from the previous night had his newly-found mate running away before they … Read more

REVIEW: Beware of Psychics – Holly Day

Title: Beware of Psychics Series: Box Set Collection Author: Holly Day Genre: Psychic Romance, Gay Romance Publisher: JMS Books LLC Release Date: Feb 24, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 378 Source: Amazon Having a psychic ability should make life easier, but it isn’t always the case. In this box set, you’ll meet three men with amazing … Read more

REVIEW: The Perfection of Peace – Daranii Alliance Book 3- C.J. Dragon

Title: The Perfection of Peace Series: Daranii Alliance Book 3 Author: C. J. Dragon Genre: Science Fiction, Gay Fiction Publisher: Independent Release Date: March 15, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 305 Source: Amazon   War is stalking Daran. Ordered to separate ships, Jon and Talin struggle with another parting, their words of comfort barely enough to … Read more

RELEAE DAY- REVIEW: Fool’s Spring- Roe Horvat

Title: Fool's Spring Author: Roe Horvat Genre: Gay Romance, small Town Romance, LGBTQ Fictiom Publisher: Independent Release Date: June 14, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 252 Source: Amazon Eric Maybe I’ve made a mistake. My cottage, albeit charming, needs nonstop work, the weather’s abysmal, and my last bank account statement simply said, “Bless your heart.” But … Read more

REVIEW : Beware of Psychics- Box Set – Holly Day

Title: Beware of Psychics Series: Box Set Author: Holly Day Genre: Psychic Romance Publisher: JMS Books Release Date: Feb 24.2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 378 Source: Amazon   Having a psychic ability should make life easier, but it isn’t always the case. In this box set, you’ll meet three men with amazing abilities that could’ve made … Read more

RELEASE DAY- REVIEW: Stone of Fear – Stones of Iona Book #2- Margaret Izard

Title: Stone of Fear Series: Stones of Iona Book #2 Author: Margaret Izard Genre: Magical Realism, Fantasy Romance Publisher: Wild Rose Press Release Date: June 12, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 234 Source: Amazon   Marie Murray, a spunky expert on spiritual buildings, jumps at the opportunity to renovate the chapel mosaic floor at Dunstaffnage Castle, … Read more

RELEASE DAY – REVIEW: Timeless Honor – Ramseys in Time #1 – Amber Daulton

Title: Timeless Honor Series: Ramseys in Time #1 Author: Amber Daulton Genre: Time Travel Romance Publisher: Aber Daulton Publishing Release Date: June 11, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 187 Source: Amazon   Soul mates born centuries apart. A portal awakens to unite them. Jaye Ramsey vacations in Bolivia with her friends to prove to her eccentric … Read more

REVIEW: Impossible Tasks- Alexa Santi

Title: Impossible Tasks Author: Alexa Santi Genre: Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Folklore, Multi Cultural Publisher: Independent Release Date: Oct 12, 2023 Format: Kindle Pages: 139 Source: Amazon o Lady Mirade, it seems a simple task: abduct the sorcerer son of her clan’s greatest enemy and persuade him to teach her the magic she needs to defend … Read more

REVIEW: Midnights Honour-The Cynn Cruors Bloodline- #12- Isobelle Cate

Title: Midnight's Honour Series: The Cynn Cruors Bloodline- #12 Author: Isobelle Cate Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Romance, Alpha Male Publisher: Independent Release Date: March 5, 2024 Format: Kindle Pages: 402 Source: Amazon Entwined by fate, torn by war, Craig and Seth confront their passion and a hidden enemy threatening their world’s survival. Annaseth ‘Seth’ Holmes … Read more